Late last year, Mickey Mouse, the legendary cartoon character and one of Disney’s most iconic characters, celebrated his 90th birthday. In 1928, the American animation pioneer Walt Disney created this anthropomorphic, cute and loving cartoon character, and then it became the soul of the story, and began a series of interesting stories with Donald Duck, Minnie and other partners, and became a familiar and beloved character for the audience in this era.
Disney and Vans made their fortunes in Anaheim, Los Angeles, and the two brands developed a deep friendship in the early days. So late last year, the Vans Vault had four great artists sign names to celebrate Mickey Mouse’s 90th birthday. This year, Vans Japan has relaunched the “asia-only” collaboration, led by the Japan regional line.
Old Skool and sk8-hi used black suede on the front and back, with Mickey Mouse on the side canvas. Slip-On shoes are made of standard canvas and are covered with Mickey Mouse motifs. Most of the Mickey Mouse motifs on the shoe body are from the early days of Mickey Mouse, thus presenting a different retro texture from today’s Mickey Mouse.
The “MICKEY MOUSE” logo is prominently displayed on the edge of the outsole, with joint insoles and classic waffle soles. In this series, children’s shoes version of Old Skool and Slip-On are also introduced for parents to buy, and the overall design of children’s shoes is extended to adult shoes.
The Mickey Mouse x Vans Japan 90th anniversary co-branded Mickey Mouse collection was released On Saturday, 11 May, at nt $2,180 for Slip On, t $2,380 for Old Skool and t $2,580 for sk8-hi